Expression of Interest for the GEECI
Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EIR) Program

At GEECI, we wish to recognize potential separate from and equally important as ability and nurture the transition between the two.

We therefore bring to you, the GEECI Entrepreneur-in-Residence or EIR program. This program provides ideas with potential for commercial scalability a solid scaffold comprising technical validation, proof-of-concept, customer feedback, and market research.

At the end of the program, which usually lasts six months, entrepreneurs enrolled in the program are given an opportunity to be reviewed for incubation at GEECI by submitting a comprehensive incubation proposal and business plan!

The selection process for the EIR program is as follows:

  1. Application to the EIR program through the form provided below
  2. Evaluation of the application by GEECI
  3. Signing of an agreement for full-time engagement (this agreement will include items like the monthly stipend, resource availability, reporting milestones and guidelines, and terms of confidentiality)
  4. Provision of access to GEECI facilities

The selection process for GEECI incubation upon successful completion of the EIR program is as follows:

  1. Submission of an incubation proposal and business plan to the GEECI selection committee
  2. (In case of selection by the committee) Provision of an Incubation term sheet, which will include items, such as seed capital, infrastructure, equity, and IP licensing.


  1. The entrepreneur participating in the EIR program will be expected to be a co-founder of the startup established for incubation at GEECI.
  2. During the EIR program, the entrepreneur will be expected to assist GEECI with market research in their area of interest.



    Email Address

    Contact number

    Highest qualification

    Resume(s) (file size should be within 3MB)

    What problem do you aim to solve?

    How do you propose to solve this problem using GaN technology (include any IP that may be employed or developed)?

    How will you leverage your experience to develop the proposed solution?

    What customer segment(s) will benefit from a solution to this problem?

    How will you obtain feedback from prospective customers on product features,
    such as functionality, benefits, and pricing?

    What are your competing products and how does your product compare with these?

    What technologies can create additional products competing with yours?

    Provide a detailed business plan including items, such as key milestones, resources required (equipment and mentorship), and funding

    What is 7 + 2 ?

    You may feel that we are expecting you to have all the answers you need us to get to.

    But, fret not! Give us what you’ve got, and we’ll take it from there!

    Good luck!