The GEECI wafer deposition and device fabrication tools will be hosted in India’s largest academic clean room facility at the National Nano fabrication Centre (NNfC), CeNSE, IISc. The characterization and packaging tools will be hosted in the Micro and Nano Characterization Facility (MNCF) and the Systems and Packaging (S&P) facility, respectively. All three facilities, NNfC, MNCF, and S&P, are located under a single roof at CeNSE, IISc, which was dedicated to the nation by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2015. These comprehensive, state-of-the-art facilities — for research and development in electronic, photonic, MEMS/NEMS, quantum, photovoltaic materials, devices, and systems and generation of highly trained human resource — have been in operation since 2011. The GEECI network will connect with a much larger universe to cater to Indian semiconductor requirements for GaN technology and beyond.